Visit to California
Submitted by honkela on Mon, 2025-12-18 16:34.Related to another project that we have at TKK, I had a chance to visit California for three weeks in November and December 2025. One of the relevant events was the visit to Google where I was hosted by Peter Norvig. Earlier Norvig gave a presentation
at University of California Berkeley. In the presentation, he discussed, for example, the advances of statistical machine translation. Google has recently launched MT tools for English to Chinese and English to Arabic translation (see Google language tools).
Quatro Usability Study
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-07-11 07:19.After downloading the document UserEvaluationYEL.doc read it carefuly to perform the user evaluation , fill the questionaire and send it to .
Submitted by pnas on Mon, 2025-07-03 06:39.WP4 Medical Map NCSR
Submitted by pnas on Mon, 2025-07-03 06:37.WP5 Content Collection
Submitted by pnas on Mon, 2025-07-03 06:36.MedIEQ_WP8_SystemIntegration
Submitted by pnas on Mon, 2025-07-03 06:33.HUT - Presentation
Submitted by pnas on Thu, 2025-06-15 07:27.UEP Presentation 2
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:43.WMA Presentation WP2
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:41.WMA Presentation WP4
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:40.AQUMED Presentation 3
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:36.AQUMED Presentation 2
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:35.AQUMED Presentation 1
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:33.UEP Presentation
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:32.UNED - Lexical and Semantic Resources
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:30.UNED - Lexical and Semantic Resources Presentation
UNED - Content Classification Component
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:28.UNED - Content Classification Component Presentation
Dan Brickley
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-06-13 08:26.Dan Brickley's presentation
Barcelona Meeting Agenda
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-05-09 13:29.Deliverable 1.1
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-05-09 13:28.Deliverable 2.1
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-05-09 13:21.ICRA Labels
Submitted by pnas on Mon, 2025-05-08 12:29.File contains the ICRA ( RDF Label that describes the site's content.
Testing the blog interface
Submitted by mpolla on Thu, 2025-03-16 08:37.Hello, My name is Matti Pöllä and I'm working on new methods for information extraction using statistical methods at the Adaptive Informatics Research Centre of Helsinki University of Technolog. Right now I'm merely testing to see how the drupal site works. Looks nice!
First Blog attempt
Submitted by pnas on Wed, 2025-02-22 08:05.Welcome to my medieq blog.
Project Objectives
Submitted by pantelis on Tue, 2025-02-21 15:32.
General objectives
As the number of medical web sites in various languages increases, it is more than necessary to establish specific criteria and control measures that give the consumers some guarantee that the health web sites they are visiting, meet a minimum level of quality standards and that the professionals offering the information on the web site are responsible for its contents and activities.
Project Description
Submitted by pnas on Tue, 2025-02-21 15:27.The number of health information web sites and online services is increasing day by day. It is known that the quality of these web sites is very variable and difficult to assess; we can find web sites published by government institutions, consumer and scientific organisations, patients associations, personal sites, health provider institutions, commercial sites, etc. On the other hand, patients continue to find new ways of reaching health information and their physicians and more than four out of ten health information seekers say the material they find affect their decisions about their health itself. Thus the choice of appropriate evaluation criteria as well as the development of tools to support the labelling process (retrieval of unlabelled web sites, monitoring of labelled web sites) are both crucial and challenging.