honkela's blog http://medieq.org/blog/8 en Visit to California http://medieq.org/node/161 <p>Related to another project that we have at TKK, I had a chance to visit California for three weeks in November and December 2025. One of the relevant events was the visit to Google where I was hosted by Peter Norvig. Earlier Norvig gave a presentation<br /> at University of California Berkeley. In the presentation, he discussed, for example, the advances of statistical machine translation. Google has recently launched MT tools for English to Chinese and English to Arabic translation (see <a href="http://www.google.com/language_tools">Google language tools</a>).</p> <p><a href="http://medieq.org/node/161">read more</a></p> http://medieq.org/node/161#comment Mon, 18 Dec 2025 18:34:09 +0200 honkela 161 at http://medieq.org