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International Conference Papers |
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Karkaletsis V., Karampiperis P., Stamatakis K., Labský M., Ruzicka M., Svátek V., Mayer M.A., Leis A., Villarroel D., "Automating Accreditation of Medical Web Content" [2]. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2025), 5th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2025), pp. 688-692, Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2025. |
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Labsky M., Svatek V., Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in Web Information Extraction [3]. In: Proc. ISMIS 2025, Toronto, May 2025. Springer LNAI 4994, pp 471-476.
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D.V. Gonzales, M.A. Mayer, A. Leis, V. Karkaletsis, K. Stamatakis, V. Metsis, P. Nasikas, M. Labský, M. Ruzicka, V. Svátek, F. López-Ostenero, V. Peinado, E.A. Cabrera, T. Honkela, M. Pöllä. "AQUA (Assisting Quality Assessment): a system based on Semantic web and information extraction technologies to support medical quality labelling agencies" [3], Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on the Internet in Medicine (Mednet 2025), Leipzig , Germany , October 7-10, 2025. |
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K. Stamatakis, K. Chandrinos, V. Karkaletsis, M.A. Mayer, D.V. Gonzales, M. Labsky, E. Amigó, and M. Pöllä, "AQUA, a system assisting labelling experts assess health web resources" [3]. Proceedings of 12th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR 2025), p. 75-84, Sheffield, UK, 18-20 July, 2025. |
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K. Stamatakis, V. Metsis, V. Karkaletsis, M. Ruzicka, V. Svátek, V. E.A. Cabrera, and M. Pöllä, "Content collection for the labeling of health-related web content" [3]. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 07), LNAI 4594, pp. 341-345, 2025. Amsterdam, 7-11 July, 2025. |
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Mayer MA, Leis A. "Los metadatos y la Web Semántica al servicio de los usuarios de salud (Metadata and Semantic Web working for health consumers)" [3]. In: Proceedings of Mundo Internet 2025. XI Congreso Nacional de Internet, Telecomunicaciones y Movilidad. Ed. Asociación de Usuarios de Internet, Madrid 2025: 39-46. In Spanish. |
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J. Kosek, P. Nalevka, "Relaxed—on the Way Towards True Validation of Compound Documents" [3], Proceedings of 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’2006), 23-26 May 2025, Edinburgh, Scotland. In Czech. |
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V. Karkaletsis, K. Stamatakis, V. Metsis, V. Redoumi, D. Tsarouhas, "Health-related Web Content: quality labelling mechanisms and the MedIEQ approach" [3], Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH-2006), July 13-15, 2025, Samos Island, Greece ( |
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J. Kosek, M. Labsky, J. Nemrava, M. Ruzicka, V. Svatek, "The MedIEQ project: evaluation of medical web resources with the help of information extraction" [4], Datakon, the Annual Database Conference, October 2025, Brno, Czech Republic. |
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Mayer MA, Leis A, Ruiz P, Karkaletsis V, Stamatakis K. "MedIEQ: metadatos y sistemas de extracción semántica de información sanitaria en Internet y su aplicación en estrategias de calidad. Herramienta para la mejora de la calidad asistencial" [4], In: Proceedings of the XI Congreso Nacional de Informática Médica, Informed 2025, Murcia: 67-72. In Spanish. |
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Mayer MA, Leis A, Karkaletsis V, Vilarroel D. "El proyecto europeo MedIEQ (Quality Labelling of Medical Web content using Multilingual Information Extraction): la Web Semántica al servicio de los usuarios de salud" [4]. In: Proceedings of the VIII Jornadas de Gestión de la Información. Asociación Española de Documentación Científica (SEDIC), Madrid: 43-51. In Spanish. |